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[〖其他下载方式〗] 【Switch】9 R.I.P. (英语版)【xci】

发表于 2024-11-19 13:34:02 |阅读模式


They say this town has always been known to have many people be spirited away...
They also say that confused people or those struggling are more likely to get spirited away.
You think you'll be okay...?

In the beginning of autumn, during her second year of high school,
that's what Misa Isshiki, was told by her best friend, causing her heart to skip a beat.

I'll be fine. I don't really believe in any of that stuff anyway.

That's right... She doesn't believe in that kind of thing...
It's just... Her life had been filled with so much stress, all related to what her future would hold...

That's when an eerie voice reached out to her...

Why don't we take a look and see what you should do with your life!
I'm the one who will lead you into the darkness...

And that's when all the strange things around Misa began to happen...

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