The novel takes place in the lands of Idmund, in the city of Idris, which lies between the kingdoms of Eden and Daat. Idris is considered a city of magic and invention, rich in history and the best universities and libraries. But the flaw of Idris is considered to be the huge number of dark spirits that roam the city every night. The land on which the city itself sits is considered a place of attraction to the moon. There is a legend about the dangerous night of the Two Moons, when any spirit can become human again, but two people must be sacrificed in order to come alive.
Morella Withe is the protagonist of the novella. She is a doctor and artifactologist from the small town of Fleur. At the request of her friend, she comes to Idris as an artifactologist to help the police investigate a series of attacks on the house of the mayor of Idris. With her, you'll delve into the town's ancient mysteries and perhaps find a couple more new ones.
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