へ to,toward
へ marks the direction toward which an action moves.
大学へ 行きます。 I will go to the university.
うちへ 帰ります。 I will go back to my house.
a. point in time. at, on ,in
7時に 起きます。 I get up at 7.
月曜日に 町へ 行きます。 I'll go to town on Monday.
Only time words with a specific name or number (Tuesday, October 31,six o'clock. etc) takeに.Words indicating relative time (today, tomorrow, next year) and those indicating duration (thirty minutes, five days) do not take に.
b. a specific place toward which soneone or something moves. to, toward
大学に 行きます。 I will go to the university.
うちに 帰ります。 I will go back to my house.
先生に 電話をします。 I’ll make a phone call to the teacher.
While に marks movement toward a specific place, へ indicates motion in a general direction.However, the difference is unimportat in many cases, and the two particles are often interchangeable.
c. function/activity to which someone goes/comes.
purpose(for, in order to) when the verb is 行きます or 来ます
さんぽに 行きます。I will go fora walk.
パーティーに 来ます。 I will come to the ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** .
a. を is a particle marking a direct objuect. A direct objuect is someting or someone directly affected by the action of a verb. It can be animate or inanimate.
おすしを おねがいします。 Please gibe me sushi.
私は 日本語を 話します。 I speak Japanese.
b. を is a particle which indicates the space through, along etc. or from which an action occurs.
道を 步きます。 I walk along the road.
うちを 出ます。 I leave the house.
公園を 通ります。 I pass through the park.
a. a particle which indicates location except for location of existence. at, in, on
1) place of action
図書館で 勉強します。 I study in the library.
うちで テレビを見ます。 I wathc TV at home.
2) others
あの人は日本では 有名です。 That person is famous in Japan.
その子供は 外では 元気です。 That child is in good spirits in the open air.
b. a particle which indicates the use of something for doing something. using, by, for, in with, from, on
バスで 行きます。 I go by bus.
はしで ごはんを 食べます。 I eat meals with chopsticks.
日本語で 話します。 I speak in Japanese.
テレビで ニュースを見ます。 I watch the news on TV.
その本は 10ドルで 買いました。 I bought the book for $10.
木で 机を 作ります。 We make desks with wood.