发表于 2013-5-28 18:02:22
本帖最后由 dqrdpy 于 2013-5-28 18:02 编辑
地址→ http://fc.5sing.com/9517500.html
这首歌真的超级赞啊 mix的人叫motohisa shiraishi 简直是神orz 窝稍微模仿了一下他的风格 并且顺便模仿了一下石井秀仁的唱风(哪里像了啦!
其实第一次听这首歌的时候真心不知道他在唱啥0v0 后来拿到歌词本对照着听……还是不知道他在唱啥哈哈哈哈(泥垢!
总之 很喜欢这首歌 但是mix还是有很多地方偷懒了 有些人肯定一听就听出来了 不过没办法……五月病爆发了嘛orz
[00:07.35]any flight oh mighty boy
[00:10.02]AI CATCH the fall scanning blue
[00:14.09]heaven is here the first and worst
[00:17.28]don't look out fake out each other
[00:19.02]3 2 1 GO
[00:47.96]it does not
[00:51.05]may be where
[00:54.21]whatever there to much how much so wrong
[01:01.92]killing joke
[01:04.98]take my heart
[01:07.75]when you feel a famous flavor to death
[01:13.68]to be fun fun fun
[01:15.76]mirror world
[01:16.72]baby burn burn burn
[01:19.00]stand by my sight
[01:20.70]out of head inner world
[01:23.54]maybe can turn around
[01:25.47]high grade monkey
[01:27.38]i know i know i none one day one die
[01:31.81]in the heavy style and farewell
[01:35.04]AI CATCH the fall scanning blue
[01:38.83]closer form the last and lust
[01:41.52]I'm such a card amazing
[01:44.93]dancing bound full faces
[01:48.90]because are free play
[01:51.87]would be liked to trendy
[01:55.32]shining out ready go
[02:25.18]to be fun fun fun
[02:27.06]mirror world
[02:28.38]baby burn burn burn
[02:30.47]stand by my sight
[02:32.10]out of head inner world
[02:34.99]maybe can turn around
[02:37.15]high grade monkey
[02:38.99]i know i know i none one day one die
[02:43.47]in the heavy style and farewell
[02:46.85]AI CATCH the fall scanning blue
[02:50.67]closer form the last and lust
[02:53.30]I'm such a card amazing
[02:56.75]dancing bound full faces
[03:00.27]because are free play
[03:03.00]would be liked to trendy
[03:07.00]shining out ready go