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发表于 2015-4-18 13:52:02
本帖最后由 梦想的地平线 于 2015-4-20 23:33 编辑
[j]TIRC5 RP4G33[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1W[/j]先说一下~这篇文章是我去年7/8月份在百度上发的www.otomedream.com#0? J9 a6 U, R/ d; O: n/ A$ Q* i。(ID:卡哇依法音公主~)
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2C[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G25[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G30[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j]现在火影完结了www.otomedream.com#0?/ E! m! h; ]7 t8 y @/ O,但还是想发上来和大家一起分享=w=
[j]TIRC5 RP4G22[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G36[/j]本作的背景是直接由685跳到战后www.otomedream.com#0?- K0 u, L6 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** ^ E,主要为樱视角~ 还有纪念一下走好的土哥...
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1R[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2O[/j]木叶街头www.otomedream.com#0?4 C8 ^( r, e y2 ^! n4 g# M* b,黑灯瞎火www.otomedream.com#0?3 L q# t x0 G u. P,半夜三更www.otomedream.com#0?# K# G7 T w( C( c) V/ T。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G22[/j]
春野樱才下班www.otomedream.com#0?* w O/ z. t) ]1 G$ S Y,木叶医疗部最近格外繁忙www.otomedream.com#0?2 g2 b$ H% |& ?2 l) r g,她快到家了www.otomedream.com#0?8 g. Z4 z. ^3 _: i# [。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1M[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2C[/j]师父...忽然想起还躺在病院里奄奄一息的纲手www.otomedream.com#0?3 _! ?. c. w2 X( E7 Y* v4 z) b。春野樱心扑扑的疼了起来www.otomedream.com#0?& ~$ f9 Y7 u4 w) A- g* A1 d。她不知怎么的www.otomedream.com#0?# y: j P& x* w2 v, \! R,就忽然又折回去想去看看师父www.otomedream.com#0?; s2 L$ B& C5 y。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G33[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j]
想到师父www.otomedream.com#0?4 h/ M$ V4 D% f/ f; w- [,春野樱难受的啜泣着www.otomedream.com#0?+ ~8 a. m* t! C/ w4 D,她还在病房里呢www.otomedream.com#0?5 B S3 |. N9 l7 e。战争时www.otomedream.com#0?6 j) B- c) s! `9 n- O+ o,明明是自己就是医疗忍者www.otomedream.com#0?6 o s2 _. b. l2 W2 K a% N6 }6 p,却过度因救人透支体力倒下了www.otomedream.com#0?3 s5 b/ P* B9 X。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G35[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1M[/j]
真是的不要命www.otomedream.com#0?& x$ ?+ H R2 r7 n, @。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G26[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2K[/j]她就想去看看师父www.otomedream.com#0? C O/ r `1 r$ ]( I x. x: |。[j]TIRC5 RP4G22[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2E[/j]春野樱加速奔驰在前往医院的路上www.otomedream.com#0?: ~3 z( P; c. F,却隐约感知到了什么www.otomedream.com#0?; ?* |3 H i+ ^: E( k6 K$ [! K。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2T[/j]
“真的就想去看看师父www.otomedream.com#0?4 Z; W5 c) t8 Y6 q o, n9 U% V,别的什么我也不想www.otomedream.com#0?/ Z! `4 ]2 x5 B, \ i,其他什么也别出现www.otomedream.com#0?; D& w: C. s: y5 G3 `% t,求求你了www.otomedream.com#0?; t) i9 ]3 ^. E G4 e l: |0 d7 E。”
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]像是为这一幕早有预感www.otomedream.com#0?9 S, _) {* u2 E9 m,她来之前就一直这样想www.otomedream.com#0?8 I) n# w: V4 y/ t1 B2 T5 m。[j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1J[/j]但是他总归要出现的www.otomedream.com#0?* Z& j1 Q$ [: I,且现在就是要出现www.otomedream.com#0?; E) x; Z6 ?9 ?4 q,你怎么办呢www.otomedream.com#0?4 ~8 H Q7 |6 ?$ n6 D+ E?[j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1K[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G23[/j]宇智波佐助还是老样子www.otomedream.com#0?. ~- L0 F U+ j2 [/ T0 a,老远就散发一种拒人于千里之外的气息www.otomedream.com#0?- E- t; ?: H6 g+ {; |。春野樱的脚步匆匆www.otomedream.com#0?: {( g. _7 d4 K: K# d,她的血液却在此刻凝固了www.otomedream.com#0?1 Q9 k+ f+ }* L& [7 w0 a% B! X。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G32[/j]佐助没有回头www.otomedream.com#0?+ e R- V/ g# {4 w- @,她却缓下脚步www.otomedream.com#0?. n; f: L, ?/ e7 w0 R,回头www.otomedream.com#0? D8 k# K- `# c T3 U,用清亮明朗的嗓音喊道:[j]TIRC5 RP4G2S[/j]
“佐助君www.otomedream.com#0?7 x! L5 k# U% T$ V8 Y5 E* l, A% V* n,你好www.otomedream.com#0?; N( d7 z8 L( s, E。”
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1V[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1N[/j]
似划过夜空www.otomedream.com#0?% A. X }( \, f9 }/ c9 R,这种清亮通透的嗓音在这种情景下显得太突兀www.otomedream.com#0?* Z1 N6 V: g4 F。完全不符合木叶深夜的气氛www.otomedream.com#0?! V/ d, n8 z+ c: z3 a9 ?& R。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]回音是宇智波佐助微微的停顿www.otomedream.com#0?5 ^: {: F% j$ e- _ E8 }& b,他背后的团扇似乎也有些懵www.otomedream.com#0? `$ T+ c. ?- {7 y0 i0 {0 g$ w1 Q。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1V[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2J[/j]久久www.otomedream.com#0?/ Z! `8 W4 L$ p# P9 X* Y9 {3 {,闷出一个“嗯”[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j]
并不是什么特别的相遇www.otomedream.com#0?/ A3 E4 {7 p4 _# w4 p。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2C[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G28[/j]
“战争结束后www.otomedream.com#0?* m. Z% T. x* Y+ X,你要想好www.otomedream.com#0?- t( N( K& P# Z! U3 ~* L。”
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2G[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
春野樱倏地想起师父最前一次和自己的谈话www.otomedream.com#0?. Z. x9 c$ O+ X* A+ A6 G4 V。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2L[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j]褐色的威严霸气的眼眸www.otomedream.com#0?% B& G; L& q2 H& c/ @* H% M,金色的随风飘扬的头发www.otomedream.com#0?! Y5 D0 R8 p/ [0 H- Y。千手纲手真心疼爱着这个和自己十二万分相像的嫡传 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** www.otomedream.com#0?! `6 c2 [ i g;
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j]春野樱对纲手更是又尊敬又仰慕www.otomedream.com#0? I2 A0 L1 f4 K7 E+ D,她觉得自己和纲手师父的(xing)格脾(xing)和生活经历www.otomedream.com#0?! E7 M0 x+ F6 e V+ u) z,都可以说是火影师徒中最相像也是最正常的一对儿了www.otomedream.com#0?/ z p# z+ v3 p。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2R[/j]
有时候春野樱觉得自己和师父的交流远多于自己的父母www.otomedream.com#0?7 n1 D& w( |8 D/ o6 X& {。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2L[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2V[/j]当然www.otomedream.com#0? x$ E `# ` ?# |,这得益于她为带回佐助修行的时间远大于她在家时间www.otomedream.com#0?: s4 t J8 l. \$ J- C. ?。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G36[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2U[/j]
师父说得对www.otomedream.com#0?5 {6 B* v+ a% E) O,是该好好思考一下了www.otomedream.com#0?6 i( ] U6 ?! n0 F。[j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1M[/j]但是要想好什么呢www.otomedream.com#0?# _9 Z1 b; f1 a$ y9 R% M; s5 X,什么才算想好了www.otomedream.com#0?% v ~0 t p( n5 I6 s9 @3 b?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G20[/j]
“想好你对宇智波的态度www.otomedream.com#0?. j0 X1 ^ ^/ i4 y7 D: E6 g; S,你对他是什么想法www.otomedream.com#0?! B n! ^2 d; \。还有......你该有什么想法www.otomedream.com#0?0 q) C3 V8 D$ [) e4 F。樱www.otomedream.com#0?7 {5 G/ b7 ?+ p @9 {9 T: d。同样的www.otomedream.com#0?4 g: p( E+ W! M, ?5 V, L,还有鸣人那小子www.otomedream.com#0?* d1 R. G0 U! _: `* v5 q& `。”[j]TIRC5 RP4G2E[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
五代目威严的声音把春野樱硬生生地从自己的世界里抽离www.otomedream.com#0?% l. x, H* o5 w/ p) c* }$ G. q,她吓得打了一个激灵www.otomedream.com#0?7 Z s7 a! m1 p. F0 D。[j]TIRC5 RP4G29[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1N[/j]和佐助在街头相遇后www.otomedream.com#0?3 K8 i V. O: R7 b,她简直像是丢失了魂魄一般www.otomedream.com#0? P. Z y [- z0 q- t6 r+ U/ Q0 @1 o,梦游似的就游到了五代目的身边www.otomedream.com#0?: l9 G0 d( S; c$ y。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G22[/j]“是www.otomedream.com#0?! k% Z# z! o$ Y, ~& F* S* x% X,师父www.otomedream.com#0?6 Q- y9 z. j: g5 `1 q% h5 V! J5 t。”
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1K[/j]佐助就这样回归了www.otomedream.com#0?% z- g8 Z; b$ X2 `, B) N,还是淡淡的表情中掺着一丝丝黑化气息www.otomedream.com#0?, x C1 Z4 I. @- E。没办法,谁叫你之前基本就是被全黑了www.otomedream.com#0?( T. e* n/ u1 f: G6 R,要一下子可洗白没那么容易www.otomedream.com#0?. Z& ? R; T: ^/ H。总还得有些残留对不对?[j]TIRC5 RP4G30[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Q[/j]那道经典的数列题怎么说的www.otomedream.com#0?) h R# V+ I( T9 C) d,第一次洗,残留1%www.otomedream.com#0?, M# O$ w& N2 ~ j n0 X,每洗一次效果比前一次好1%www.otomedream.com#0?# U% s9 p7 C+ t- t, p0 C8 \。www.otomedream.com#0? n5 b }; o9 o# ~0 N, n. u! v8 ? h0 @。www.otomedream.com#0?& ]3 [9 }( q1 k3 ]$ P& |+ L9 u。问至少要洗几次才能使残留量小于1%*10-16www.otomedream.com#0?# ?+ u2 g% W3 w+ U. r2 B w?.www.otomedream.com#0?3 Z$ O: J& y3 F) U7 _/ r! t。www.otomedream.com#0?! y: i Y% t2 P+ r9 e6 ~/ Z/ D。www.otomedream.com#0?( J7 S N+ [ [9 Q$ q1 e k5 }。www.otomedream.com#0?4 s4 q7 H% j9 j* F- A。www.otomedream.com#0?; D! ~0 j- ~0 d/ k B k6 g. I。www.otomedream.com#0?9 ~ U+ D( g J+ r: T% L* h3 E。www.otomedream.com#0?. b( a3 U, \; ~! d/ {* E。www.otomedream.com#0?+ v/ P8 W$ G% r) M。www.otomedream.com#0?2 X$ n% \. D, P, U0 i5 _4 F。www.otomedream.com#0?* m! ~, A! [5 |。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2O[/j]算了www.otomedream.com#0?6 |+ E {5 \8 ^% x) P% V,再这样下去对不起【cp佐樱】了www.otomedream.com#0?2 d1 K# X9 e0 [% w。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1X[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j]
言归正传www.otomedream.com#0?% Y: i$ B& w& e2 c,战争的时候www.otomedream.com#0?) q* w8 ?) ^1 Z: a s. r,舍命救心上人后终于被心上人扶了一下www.otomedream.com#0?1 z* l* y7 _, i& |# y$ o。春野樱看到佐助淡定中透着些许情绪的眼睛www.otomedream.com#0?9 U4 R7 {! o* P# d2 [1 K X,又嗅到他熟悉的气息www.otomedream.com#0?; s, O2 U+ ^! e5 Y5 \,心里也不是完全没有感觉www.otomedream.com#0?/ k3 e0 `/ u, B,还是咯噔一下的www.otomedream.com#0? C/ R r c/ y* y: B+ [6 M。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2T[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]当时www.otomedream.com#0?5 R8 h2 n9 D( R1 U! J9 Y4 F,佐助看了她一眼www.otomedream.com#0?4 i. R/ O$ `1 Z2 e3 h,这是大概七班大聚首之后她印象很深的和佐助对视了www.otomedream.com#0?9 u% q% F8 Z1 D# {$ T,那双眼睛里没多少感情www.otomedream.com#0?9 g i7 p _. d$ G4 b8 e+ t& x,手还很不体贴的按在自己伤口上www.otomedream.com#0? m2 I+ }8 a S) M。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1X[/j]印象中后来回村www.otomedream.com#0?7 C* K1 b( F6 K# @ _,井野无不揶揄地问道www.otomedream.com#0?1 R p% A3 l+ X4 s5 U! R; P- K! W$ c1 m,被佐助君手温柔的搂着胳臂的感觉www.otomedream.com#0?2 Z x7 }; H; \, V0 L+ \,她想想那时候的自己www.otomedream.com#0?: m& }% c( L: l1 S,然后说www.otomedream.com#0?: g/ P- p {3 t) ?% @ Q p3 e4 L,想不起来了www.otomedream.com#0?: ~9 c- p3 Q$ ~/ P。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2R[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2X[/j]其实是觉得没什么好想的www.otomedream.com#0?3 Q( g* U- z3 P# a/ E,就那样www.otomedream.com#0?- n, S# ~ P* T# U9 {: { { k。也不敢想太多www.otomedream.com#0?. Z# W( o% [8 `# [/ _( @7 A,因为怕了www.otomedream.com#0?6 O; m! c2 r0 t* n( l8 W。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1T[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]记得那个时候呢www.otomedream.com#0?$ D. G# m7 p& O) h! z$ I& },春野樱被 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 腐蚀的伤口被按着www.otomedream.com#0?; @1 I, { J! t5 W) [. ?4 P3 H。表樱很淡定www.otomedream.com#0?! X. w0 \! |1 k% Z( q,但里樱早就疼得嗷嗷叫了www.otomedream.com#0?1 m$ j$ O: w6 S3 y1 }. }% l; O。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G31[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]
但她也没工夫埋怨佐助了www.otomedream.com#0?) ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** G! ? w8 D0 j,事实上她为救佐助www.otomedream.com#0?7 _5 F4 l% A2 ~) [. [2 a% K,已经累得脱了趴www.otomedream.com#0?) R% q n5 U: N2 {, h# B1 t,就差断气了www.otomedream.com#0?0 f& S1 r: T3 b; Z4 h; b; B+ J* \。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2R[/j]但心里嘛www.otomedream.com#0?/ ]! g W. L- l7 [3 P: B: P2 ?,真的还是比较高兴的www.otomedream.com#0?+ h8 f5 X. j f2 z ]。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G20[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]
毕竟命运终于给了她舍命陪君子的机会www.otomedream.com#0?6 I; J3 U& q g1 K0 M8 K# B& F1 o# U,也省的她又做她自己最痛恨的事:在整个事件中再次当了【推动故事情节发展的人物啊】或 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 甲www.otomedream.com#0?: k$ Q# c# B6 v- p! X) j) _。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G30[/j]
事实上对于佐助的事www.otomedream.com#0?3 y; c9 Y E) D) ^& X,她大早就有了这样的觉悟www.otomedream.com#0?- b% b2 W* J9 b; ?,不论以是七班的同伴还是……
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1M[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]就算自己的命没了也要帮助佐助啊www.otomedream.com#0? v& a+ d4 I0 }4 A. y,这一点从来都是春野樱的本能www.otomedream.com#0?% V) ^. `# Q e n2 {。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2X[/j]比如说www.otomedream.com#0?+ ?& n \! C6 w6 C& g& r( {,她的理智曾告诉她www.otomedream.com#0?) W ~( g& g! v,看到佐助杀红头发同伴的时候:这种事情居然能干得出来www.otomedream.com#0?4 x+ B3 |: k. F/ ]9 J. T1 q o,就说明他那个时候处于黑化状态www.otomedream.com#0?! u J/ a9 A& m% }$ U: ` m( q* H+ c3 p,在一切还没有定数时最好杀了他www.otomedream.com#0?+ L& w. } e+ N9 Q8 v。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2I[/j]可是呢www.otomedream.com#0? H2 p% N0 K+ K0 w- u,她无论说服自己多少次www.otomedream.com#0?, z* n M- @9 c,都下不了手www.otomedream.com#0?- x* X0 \4 H6 g! t/ u9 s! r, p。[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1X[/j]
怎么可能能下的了手www.otomedream.com#0?& c8 U5 ^, i4 f& c,那是佐助www.otomedream.com#0?$ u- V3 V G) Y) L& f5 s- ?。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]佐助www.otomedream.com#0?3 O) d( [: H$ u% U9 n6 _2 \& t,已经内化为她心底的一部分www.otomedream.com#0?; Z$ q% b5 |, Z3 |% z& C。就像 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 里的血脉www.otomedream.com#0?$ {4 f6 Z. ?) {,不再流动之时www.otomedream.com#0?6 Y1 J3 r/ e [3 P. F,也只有在自己的生命终结之时www.otomedream.com#0?4 T: X* @3 O, o* T/ [。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2E[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2C[/j]这个名字www.otomedream.com#0?3 T ^+ p2 {1 D2 z( f ]3 e,她从小在纸上写了无数次www.otomedream.com#0?0 k& E7 |4 a# n1 o. ^,无意识时口中喃喃念着无数字www.otomedream.com#0?4 c: M% @ S W) H% S9 O- u,在心底里喊了无数次
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2O[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1R[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2T[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G23[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G28[/j]实际上www.otomedream.com#0? y0 A/ C) [+ a& ~4 \$ z+ E% @ k; y# l,她的刺杀多么可笑www.otomedream.com#0?: U/ v* u8 {! b) K( v。明明还是那个就算自己死www.otomedream.com#0?) k/ K: `) q3 x! Z5 S8 y4 h,也想让佐助过上幸福快乐日子的春野樱www.otomedream.com#0? d4 r; n% Z/ O4 a$ a X。[j]TIRC5 RP4G29[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]那时候www.otomedream.com#0?! V1 Q# _& S: y- }! J$ u8 i) f1 g1 M8 Z,还觉得自己有了了结佐助www.otomedream.com#0?& J& Q, `. I9 Z2 D7 e2 ?,不再爱佐助君的觉悟呢www.otomedream.com#0?% r. W ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** [% @; W。现在想想www.otomedream.com#0?( F- C6 u. {3 S4 `, d C: ^. j,真是蠢www.otomedream.com#0?/ H$ O& u7 U5 @,连别人都骗不了www.otomedream.com#0?# v4 A* d/ q: i! b,还妄图自己欺骗自己的心www.otomedream.com#0?4 X9 ~+ @2 w5 ^ Q3 `9 v。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G32[/j]对于佐助www.otomedream.com#0?. P B z/ n7 a,春野樱真是认了www.otomedream.com#0?, n) K* ~) ?) B。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2S[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]但是她早就不是那个12岁初期的小恋爱脑了www.otomedream.com#0?5 o+ A( B+ n6 t4 B, Y) U,七班的感情在她心底越来越重www.otomedream.com#0?. D/ t- ]4 P; _. Y。多少年了www.otomedream.com#0?. q2 k1 b) W O* e2 ~2 N,自己值得珍视的东西www.otomedream.com#0?* d4 c2 j% ?) |! z+ s1 A,佐助是www.otomedream.com#0?/ F$ I u9 l. |- j N! K O& S,鸣人和卡卡西难道就不是吗?同期小强战争ZG同勇敢赴死的情谊难道就不是吗?师父和村子www.otomedream.com#0?: `& @( \; f9 X& b2 h+ M j,难道就就不是吗www.otomedream.com#0?& P7 ?( b# C6 I4 E1 _?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Y[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]
好www.otomedream.com#0?! P+ a6 i8 S ~ _! e,战争已经结束了www.otomedream.com#0?6 G* p/ j, M k% | `。[j]TIRC5 RP4G23[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]是个人的命运终于可以挣脱时代的洪流的时候了www.otomedream.com#0?) z2 O: g$ T& Z( h6 q5 Z3 U O。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1R[/j]那自己呢www.otomedream.com#0? c6 e O z }/ o?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2L[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1W[/j]春野樱一遍又一遍问自己自己想要什么www.otomedream.com#0?, a9 b( h5 g8 B,之前战争一直没给她时间思考www.otomedream.com#0?* e$ {4 z! y. m,只能被整个大的洪流卷来卷去www.otomedream.com#0?$ P$ p% O# p7 f b9 f% m/ j/ j,拍来拍去www.otomedream.com#0?6 E b9 ~ S( z1 b& q。现在终于有时间了www.otomedream.com#0?* I0 t2 u& P0 q,这个问题必须想想清楚www.otomedream.com#0?# R+ t8 k) w x, k。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]只有我知道我要什么www.otomedream.com#0?8 r s& B [5 H: ^1 f,我不能浑浑噩噩www.otomedream.com#0?) ], X& Z- {& [ M6 k。[j]TIRC5 RP4G31[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1X[/j]
那么从现在自己现在自愿做的事开始分析自己究竟想要什么吧www.otomedream.com#0?7 G, o0 M; h3 Q3 @ U- V; e4 Z3 b) R; m。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2O[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G22[/j]现在做的事:研究医术的目的www.otomedream.com#0?# g9 ] E7 S! K! N( ?,拼命 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 是为了什么www.otomedream.com#0?5 z! r$ G$ W: t& n( ~0 t?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Z[/j]再往前一点:学习烹饪的目的www.otomedream.com#0?+ o* R$ J1 N$ E7 K% V9 I* k,买 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 研究恋爱占卜运等等是为了什么www.otomedream.com#0?7 p! L6 v) J* m1 _) }: a3 p?[j]TIRC5 RP4G1N[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1X[/j]再往前一点:留长头发又是……为了什么呢www.otomedream.com#0?+ }8 O/ s, l6 {/ L3 N* J?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2I[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G35[/j]
都已经记不清了www.otomedream.com#0?1 @: z1 F! V6 o- o8 i/ S1 [+ O1 V,也该记不清了www.otomedream.com#0? J a2 f* ]+ S1 j2 k7 z ^。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G26[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j]按照纲手师父说的www.otomedream.com#0?0 k+ _& q, W! x( G, C2 c) ]& j,我应该记不清了啊www.otomedream.com#0?% G, e5 L/ X8 m7 E6 H。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G29[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]
可是www.otomedream.com#0?, M3 P# C0 W* U S3 U0 ?( S) f$ X,可是….[j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2U[/j]怎么会,记不清呢……[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2U[/j]春野樱到死都不会忘记小时候的自己一面偷偷端详他www.otomedream.com#0?& E6 X! g% W V% e4 k,一面笑着诉说:“一辈子都是爱的人生www.otomedream.com#0?! ]0 q, B: U4 d f ~5 e c+ ?。”时www.otomedream.com#0?0 W+ [- S- o! E* ~$ ?- b7 w,里樱大笑着握拳说道:是一辈子都爱佐助君的人生www.otomedream.com#0?* S, Y& P0 y% V9 {![j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]她脑子很好使www.otomedream.com#0?# E! a- V2 B( q+ k1 `7 |,理一下就能发现她所有的行动原理www.otomedream.com#0? C/ a# Y2 f n8 f。[j]TIRC5 RP4G26[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
从留长发www.otomedream.com#0?2 w9 v! k7 | |* a8 F i,做便当www.otomedream.com#0?( |# ] v# U7 W/ N8 v! i,看恋爱 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 的女孩子www.otomedream.com#0?2 A# O0 @ T2 s9 m* @! W J g5 q,到研究医术www.otomedream.com#0?% s T n$ `# Q4 e6 q,拼死 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 到成为可以独当一面的忍者www.otomedream.com#0?( P* A% t w8 [ r。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2O[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2J[/j]一切的出发点www.otomedream.com#0?% D# e6 ]4 C5 K( ^1 Q- x8 P2 T, x4 ~,只为宇智波佐助一人www.otomedream.com#0?8 u* N* Z( u# d$ u4 ?$ M。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]
自己真是可悲www.otomedream.com#0?# |( d2 o9 P6 x- ^: P& n,还不断说服自己:作为忍者www.otomedream.com#0?- b, `% [8 O o. j9 q/ M( d,要以村子和任务为最重www.otomedream.com#0? _$ r( j* ]2 r# T; m。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G36[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G35[/j]
实际上www.otomedream.com#0?! x; w5 [# B8 f3 C2 r,从她无论如何也杀不了说要毁灭村子的佐助时www.otomedream.com#0?4 } g% c! D8 \: ~& z,她就已经明白自己的心www.otomedream.com#0?6 p2 H X6 |1 M4 E$ q: k,和多年前相比www.otomedream.com#0?6 t3 L; W; m a4 q5 d0 J! t,一点都都没有变www.otomedream.com#0?4 T2 o: Y. a5 P9 a。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]连别人都骗不了www.otomedream.com#0?5 x$ b3 T. m# o# h* d c, ?,还妄图欺骗自己的心www.otomedream.com#0?+ h( W _* z( ^# s。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j]但是www.otomedream.com#0?0 j) }7 t) T1 X5 I: C,这样www.otomedream.com#0?1 A% w+ H+ y: _0 h# F,又有什么办法呢…
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]一遍遍审视自己www.otomedream.com#0?. Z- Y5 o1 v) o+ W3 c A,春野樱自己质询自己www.otomedream.com#0? K4 r# N& z3 L,妄图告诉自己一些残酷的现实www.otomedream.com#0? T1 ^2 P4 e7 T! M% D! g) y0 B3 C N。[j]TIRC5 RP4G27[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2D[/j]----你不能喜欢佐助www.otomedream.com#0?5 O2 Q6 S D U3 q; w: }. O。他明明不喜欢你www.otomedream.com#0?+ m# r, ^ g2 J+ H4 `+ I0 Y# X。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]----你为什么喜欢佐助www.otomedream.com#0?5 M s6 A2 Q0 {7 p5 t X/ I& c?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2O[/j]----你想和佐助有进一步的发展吗www.otomedream.com#0?% ]+ ^ o/ H& g% x4 @$ c9 E?你认为这可能吗 www.otomedream.com#0?4 h( y/ i7 Z8 T9 u4 f3 O?能回得去吗www.otomedream.com#0? s; z: J& X. x9 x?[j]TIRC5 RP4G1R[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
----若有发展www.otomedream.com#0?. P; ?: a. H5 {: u! V5 D,你究竟进到哪一步呢www.otomedream.com#0?) e+ f6 J1 d2 G8 |7 q?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1V[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1W[/j]一个个问题直逼心头www.otomedream.com#0?. ]$ x0 s- a2 o/ R& A4 c$ e% Q,脑海顿时溃不成军www.otomedream.com#0?% Y- t. o2 X9 } t4 I。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2K[/j]请先配合以下这首歌曲一起阅读www.otomedream.com#0?2 g% `2 O1 A, p* D6 o% c m$ W。拜托了www.otomedream.com#0?3 w, m3 [9 O S% H ~![j]TIRC5 RP4G2L[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G28[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1T[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G27[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]All I Have To Do Is Dream
[j]TIRC5 RP4G30[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G31[/j]
Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?$ { Z4 k% }5 z( s) N,做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?# T( f) K, ` \- E,做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?0 } N- d. [- e; J& ?7 D,美丽又神奇的梦[j]TIRC5 RP4G30[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2O[/j]Dream, dream, dream梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?# j3 ^7 R( F1 E1 K2 X# f& a }6 D,梦啊www.otomedream.com#0? M6 T+ Q4 j+ }8 |% C; J,梦
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2C[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]
When I want you in my arm当我想要拥你入怀时
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j]When ever I want you当我甚至只是想要你时
[j]TIRC5 RP4G25[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G25[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2D[/j]All I have to do is dream我只要做梦就可以了[j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j]Dream, dream, dream梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?2 Y9 b# Z+ z- b& c,梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?6 n0 u) U# O3 A2 c( b,梦[j]TIRC5 RP4G35[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2X[/j]When I feel blue in the night and I need you, to hold me tonight当我在夜里感到悲伤www.otomedream.com#0?/ I! a8 u! _. [# |( `8 A# ^7 a,我需要你www.otomedream.com#0?5 w3 o- }- O) U$ `1 x1 t( S z2 _,哪怕抱一抱我就好了
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2I[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1L[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Q[/j]When ever I want you, all I have to do is dream当我想你时www.otomedream.com#0?/ Z# s) K0 ]% I- D/ d* p U,我只能做梦了[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2K[/j]I can make you mine, taste your lips or wine在梦里你是我的www.otomedream.com#0?7 B9 I- g9 o1 s3 n+ Y% M,我可以亲吻你如红酒般的嘴唇
[j]TIRC5 RP4G23[/j]Any time night or day任何时候
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1I[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G20[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G27[/j]Only trouble is gee-whiz唯一的不足是[j]TIRC5 RP4G22[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2R[/j]Gee-whiz ‘m dreaming my life away 那我就要整天做梦了www.otomedream.com#0?3 s( E. G. Y1 b,该怎么生活呢
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2G[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2J[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]I need you so that I could die我需要你www.otomedream.com#0?4 y c W( o: J1 @6 O,我能够为你死
[j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G28[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G21[/j]
I love you so and that is why whenever I want you我爱你www.otomedream.com#0?8 S- x- `3 |/ A# l0 G,这就是无论何时我都需要你的缘故
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2H[/j]All I have to do is我所做的只有
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1N[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1T[/j]Dream, Dream, dream, dream, dream做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?; ]5 j+ f! D, V% m,做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0? U8 @; L( ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** E$ ?: F3 ^,做啊啊www.otomedream.com#0?$ `$ z0 N. X+ ]0 |,美丽又神奇的梦[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1J[/j]I can make you mine, taste your lips or wine在那里你是我的www.otomedream.com#0?0 P; Q; p# w1 H Q,我可以亲吻你的嘴唇
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G32[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j]Any time night or day任何时候
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2E[/j]
Only trouble is gee-whiz唯一的不足是
[j]TIRC5 RP4G20[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2E[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G21[/j]Gee-whiz ‘m dreaming my life away那我就要整天做梦了www.otomedream.com#0?; d7 n* j; {7 V& ~/ R,该怎么生活呢
[j]TIRC5 RP4G33[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G26[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2I[/j]I need you so that I could die我需要你www.otomedream.com#0?6 M: Y/ y5 }8 z: J& G. o9 O,我能够为你死[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G31[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2X[/j]
I love you so and that is why whenever I want you我爱你www.otomedream.com#0?+ y/ b F& W S,这就是无论何时我都需要你的缘故
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2S[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]春野樱终于被自己逼问成功www.otomedream.com#0?* t B3 K6 G; B- T,支支吾吾想不到什么东西www.otomedream.com#0?3 v2 H* }5 Z7 I b。[j]TIRC5 RP4G27[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Z[/j]夜已经深了www.otomedream.com#0?0 n8 A& \ x h,她想着想着就睡着了www.otomedream.com#0?- w! O# k b! K- W3 h [,又醒了www.otomedream.com#0?6 o$ a7 ^- P, ^+ v: P/ K5 ^: _3 l& ~. B,又睡着了www.otomedream.com#0?( @/ y r+ r; f5 W。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1V[/j]恍惚间是年少时的恐惧www.otomedream.com#0?- X6 p! D }& F% I5 F5 h,希冀和纯粹一点一点漫上心头www.otomedream.com#0?+ w- j4 ^( D8 P: i2 [ [。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Q[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G20[/j]梦中www.otomedream.com#0?; K v s: _% I: L) S8 h,最深沉的记忆中www.otomedream.com#0?3 d( Y3 O. Q: z- U( w% J2 [! u7 ^9 v,他又出现了www.otomedream.com#0?* O$ c e. y8 ?。[j]TIRC5 RP4G32[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2I[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1K[/j]他一身蓝衣www.otomedream.com#0?8 B L& Y% G6 k# |7 q( g,有些 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 沉的表情散发着孤独的气息www.otomedream.com#0?5 U4 N+ x+ h) A# s1 o。不像金发小子信誓旦旦www.otomedream.com#0?1 S* B0 G! p d, p- U1 i# z9 _,元气满满的模样www.otomedream.com#0?1 S2 _0 w5 D Q1 d4 R$ Q,沉默的他一言不发www.otomedream.com#0? e r7 K/ _/ f, j3 K。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1I[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1T[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1I[/j]
梦中www.otomedream.com#0?1 a g0 Y1 Z. {1 M7 W( V,面对强大的敌人www.otomedream.com#0?* {- B4 y% a; B+ K,他毫不犹豫地挡在故作镇定www.otomedream.com#0?+ c! D% O L; o8 g+ ] P: },实则恐惧的自己面前www.otomedream.com#0?0 Z q% `; j2 H9 {$ L,保护着颤抖着的自己www.otomedream.com#0?( ~# N }4 K# A6 r5 u。[j]TIRC5 RP4G1L[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G35[/j]别无二致的场景www.otomedream.com#0?* T; @9 d2 p$ U! y l2 a) [,少年佐助青涩的气息通过发梢传到她的鼻尖www.otomedream.com#0?+ t6 S) p+ q( ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** A1 J e,即使在梦中www.otomedream.com#0? R1 R4 F: e5 V4 s,她也会鼻子一酸www.otomedream.com#0? f I( r- |+ X! o m。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2X[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1S[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G29[/j]多熟悉www.otomedream.com#0?1 J3 J- ?. t b& a0 C1 a,多……留恋的味道啊www.otomedream.com#0?4 Z- C3 F1 d/ ~ f4 C。春野樱愿意用生命留住这一刻www.otomedream.com#0?0 q0 p7 \$ _; X, T) Z( ]4 l7 \: N7 h,但一切又如镜水花月般消失www.otomedream.com#0? d0 M1 E2 N; H W$ K% i# N;[j]TIRC5 RP4G2G[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?7 c6 M% X- M# a/ o( K( v# l,做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?4 V5 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** B. F- ]7 h$ ]! H ],做梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?$ T4 ~7 m6 b: k,美丽又神奇的梦
[j]TIRC5 RP4G36[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2T[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1V[/j]Dream, dream, dream梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?: h4 { m( |0 @9 z- t% m c,梦啊www.otomedream.com#0?# u$ p9 U, C1 z$ r. [,梦
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1J[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G21[/j]When I want you in my arm当我想要拥你入怀时
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2G[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G25[/j]When ever I want you当我甚至只是想要你时
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2C[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2C[/j]All I have to do is dream我只要做梦就可以了
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1P[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2L[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]场景切换到夕阳下的死亡森林www.otomedream.com#0?0 H+ ^3 U9 Q7 c, j$ X。她把佐助紧紧抱在怀里www.otomedream.com#0? h% D. R0 S! p) d* Y,与他十指相扣www.otomedream.com#0?3 V+ L5 E4 C i4 P8 o,分担他难以承受的痛苦www.otomedream.com#0?. Z$ d% [4 m2 l5 v! M,抚平他因痛苦纠结在一起的眉心www.otomedream.com#0? _# m. @2 V6 Y: | _0 M |;[j]TIRC5 RP4G2T[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G29[/j]
抱住暴走的少年www.otomedream.com#0? W# f( Z- j C! [4 E t6 b,与他一起沉浸在未知的恐惧中www.otomedream.com#0?/ f8 f% p, B0 {,只有躁动下www.otomedream.com#0?1 @/ |; S* F& t, S$ X2 R& Y- _& B i,她真实的眼泪www.otomedream.com#0?: e: X6 a# C; T2 S E) c, c;[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2H[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Q[/j]走出死森时www.otomedream.com#0?2 Z: b. R2 J5 R% t, d2 ?# Q,他的手臂搭在自己肩头www.otomedream.com#0?, B4 p; F- f; ^3 O4 J* Q9 R( v,和他躯体相贴www.otomedream.com#0?; ]4 S% Q- ^) ~. \( O$ j,感受少年难得的别扭害羞和温柔……[j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]无数次绝望中她扑上他www.otomedream.com#0?+ s9 B b! \& ^6 S4 a K0 z- ~5 G,紧紧把他抱在胸口www.otomedream.com#0?5 z% ? r3 A$ {+ e; Y。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G25[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1R[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1N[/j]When ever I want you, all I have to do is dream当我想你时www.otomedream.com#0?8 v/ ?$ \ K: K3 X: ?2 _,我只能做梦了
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1W[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G26[/j]
I can make you mine, taste your lips or wine在梦里你是我的www.otomedream.com#0?/ c a6 y6 o! R,我可以亲吻你如红酒般的嘴唇
[j]TIRC5 RP4G21[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2E[/j]Any time night or day任何时候
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2P[/j]Only trouble is gee-whiz唯一的不足是...啊
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1T[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2W[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G35[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G24[/j]
佐助君www.otomedream.com#0?1 m5 \4 F T/ E4 F,如果只有在梦中www.otomedream.com#0?3 \! u4 H, o6 p, X,才能这样拥抱你www.otomedream.com#0?4 k1 h6 L& E1 \9 |5 s6 s) [, c,才能这样亲吻你www.otomedream.com#0?$ M6 P. ]- v* I2 m( b。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G36[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1I[/j]Gee-whiz ‘m dreaming my life away 那我就要整天做梦了www.otomedream.com#0?& D* j3 N/ O: ~$ M5 j& w( ^,该怎么生活呢www.otomedream.com#0?& V. p/ l+ k8 L3 a; R: h/ M$ _?
[j]TIRC5 RP4G23[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2K[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2Z[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G36[/j]“樱www.otomedream.com#0?7 k# \1 y7 K8 I; H+ ~* d. T,我没事了www.otomedream.com#0?# o- N7 Z- q; f; J$ I/ @. S。”梦中的少年别扭的撇过头www.otomedream.com#0?+ x3 h t3 W5 Z+ B( x,耳根微红www.otomedream.com#0?. H& d! I+ F! d3 [。[j]TIRC5 RP4G2I[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1L[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j]
“樱www.otomedream.com#0?6 D! O+ b% y1 b& @% N0 Y5 d,谢谢你www.otomedream.com#0?+ R( S. Y; p# b q) O M m# y。”蓦然想起他多年前离开时的最后一句告别www.otomedream.com#0?1 U2 ^ W1 @8 s; \( T( P,
[j]TIRC5 RP4G36[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2G[/j]离别之夜的月光www.otomedream.com#0? C0 Y& J( U/ p,也和今天晚上的月光一样吗www.otomedream.com#0?: i# h& ^+ S- v9 y?[j]TIRC5 RP4G32[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1V[/j]梦中的少年www.otomedream.com#0?8 }8 p; }, u9 M3 },在耳边从未如此温柔地轻语www.otomedream.com#0?, h: P1 z$ N+ i8 r* I8 s。记忆中的月光如水www.otomedream.com#0?! Q ]: C ~! q2 D,柔和地洒在他身上www.otomedream.com#0?4 S [5 r, q( X [。[j]TIRC5 RP4G28[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2M[/j]一滴滴www.otomedream.com#0?4 ~1 n P, w5 e9 }7 E# j5 o- \& v,如同她无法停止的眼泪www.otomedream.com#0?2 v# q$ j- _) J6 q. S4 P, l+ P;一丝丝www.otomedream.com#0?; a. \% r5 H. h1 ~ ~,如同他最后的温存www.otomedream.com#0?7 d W5 m) V9 c C& [。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2K[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2J[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1I[/j]I need you so that I could die我需要你www.otomedream.com#0? |& c2 I$ ?* }, [4 H1 a0 L# O, y1 r,我能够为你死[j]TIRC5 RP4G27[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2P[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G22[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1L[/j]
I love you so and that is why whenever I want you我爱你www.otomedream.com#0?: s6 V L7 }8 q/ U: W,这就是无论何时我都需要你的缘故
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Y[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2L[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1T[/j]
梦啊www.otomedream.com#0? M% n \& l* T2 a8 h,最真实的梦境www.otomedream.com#0?- m. `! { g: h* |* X1 o! K. J。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2B[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1N[/j]让我再看一眼他,我梦中的那个人www.otomedream.com#0? i8 w* F0 W/ K。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G34[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1Z[/j]
求你了www.otomedream.com#0?) _- {/ h. R8 z。[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2N[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2F[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G30[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2V[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2V[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2E[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G1O[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2X[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1R[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G20[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G32[/j]
又是梦中www.otomedream.com#0?5 N) ]. L8 U7 Q d* J% E7 ~! S, 狰狞崩坏的大笑www.otomedream.com#0?3 D$ f7 t* t3 N6 r% L,流血的瞳孔www.otomedream.com#0?* ?8 ~1 ` ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** a,真实的杀意www.otomedream.com#0?2 @9 w C# G8 s4 s5 R+ S; ]6 j0 y。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1Q[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1U[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2U[/j]他想 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 自己时的面容www.otomedream.com#0?9 N) k0 z( `6 D M( S9 [, J& N,与他默默地接受自己拥抱时温柔的面容www.otomedream.com#0?. ^* u6 Y/ A0 i- D) }1 Y,重叠在一起www.otomedream.com#0?* m/ @0 S3 v: ^。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G32[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G31[/j]
樱一下子惊醒www.otomedream.com#0?! C% r& |$ s6 k,泪水浸湿了枕头www.otomedream.com#0?0 f# V: J( x% L. { x- y) p。
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2G[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G1R[/j]
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2K[/j]【the end 】
[j]TIRC5 RP4G2I[/j][j]TIRC5 RP4G2A[/j]