发表于 2009-5-4 22:15:45
The guys in old Japanese uniforms = PURE HAWTNESS. Well , I don't like the lead 's looks much, maybe because he looks innocent if compared to the one in Beniten, I guess. BUT Misaki IS real hottie~~ , although his killing when dissatisfied attitude is a bit scary but well hot still hot >w> Anyway, Kai type may be more on my taste, with honest behaviour and loyal to the country , pride and all, and he don't mind some sacrifices if need be attitude makes him the little bad type? hehe. Shigure's described personality is unexpected when first seeing his face == , thought of lively merchant, now he seems even more frightening than Misaki? haha. And the new character , Iori, should be real attractive XD. With his cold-blooded pointed of view, now I like this game just for the personality of all the guys , no one seems to be a good guy at all XD. I'm crazy but darkness drawns me >W<. |