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[〖🅱百度网盘下载〗] [Obscurasoft] Coming Out On Top 歐美   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   約會遊戲更新版1.2 (含GALLERY) (已+MEGA)

发表于 2014-12-23 17:18:26
啊 这个游戏~之前在康熙贴吧讨论蛮广的 看是欧美的游戏 我就 以为可以不用像日式的那样专注一人 本来打算通吃= =结果最后只是走上了教授线然后没成 最后是毕业end……后来在汤上找了攻略才知道还是要专注一个人~主角除了家教的学生以外都可以在H时选择攻受 某种角度来说家教学生还真是大猛攻= =结局还是异地恋(好吧这是我拿到攻略之后第一条通的线 其他的线还没通 不知道是不是其实不是good end 英文游戏英文攻略实在太考验我还给了老师的英文水平……)
总之虽然CG没有差分 不过整体画风还是很棒的~算是让我对欧美的这类游戏有了新的认识(不是欧美就可以花心的= =好吧可能因为我也没玩过别的欧美的),一边通别人的线,一边期待下另一个欧美的作品super health club啦~


发表于 2014-12-23 22:15:39
本帖最后由 亡者の   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   于 2014-12-25 12:01 编辑

但是他们是在Make L*ve

但是他们是在Make L*ve
但是他们是在Make L*ve

而且还特么again and again。
……我觉得我对金鱼的心理   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   影面积增加了至少5平方米


“艾玛,尼玛!不脱就不给true end?!”

不过感觉从某种意义上来说JED线非常适合想在游戏里寻求   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   (。)和刺激(。)的广大玩家们
虽然我是喜欢キスシーン但那不能代替肉啊。゚゚(PД`q゚*)゚业都毕了,白也告了你们就不能顺势滚一滚   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   单嘛?!

((攻略那句however if you do the H-scenes with Alex you will not be able to get his full ending还专门加了下!滑!线!饿的我跑完HE又读档回去吃了一顿……




发表于 2014-12-24 00:41:15
欧美女生画的BL好MAN啊   话说楼楼主菜单选哪个是浏览CG


Gallery mode 暫時有BUG, 看不了CG, 不過作者正在做新的UPDATE, 很快就會放上來了, 而且UPDATE 還有新ENDINGS~  详情 回复 发表于 2014-12-24 16:58


coolerbrian123 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-24 16:58:11
a359491204 发表于 2014-12-24 00:41
欧美女生画的BL好MAN啊   话说楼楼主菜单选哪个是浏览CG

Gallery mode 暫時有BUG, 看不了CG, 不過作者正在做新的UPDATE, 很快就會放上來了, 而且UPDATE 還有新ENDINGS~


发表于 2014-12-28 02:51:06
本帖最后由 鱼香rose 于 2014-12-30 20:03 编辑

认真的玩儿了一下这个游戏,过   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   是被立绘表情打败了。


发表于 2014-12-28 08:01:12


247君 该用户已被删除
发表于 2014-12-29 18:44:48


夏虫语冰 该用户已被删除
发表于 2014-12-29 22:55:40


发表于 2014-12-30 16:21:15
1 or 2
2 – Kick it here
2 – Stay in
1 – Borrow lube
1 – Check phone
1 – Tell her it’s a bug
1 – Return lube (Alternatively you can pick 2 and have an extra Mark CG, do not know if doing this affects Ian’s path)
2 – Meh
2 – Beta test another time
1 – NO!
1 – Sure no prob
1 – Take a quick peek
1 – Snag an item
2 – Right,   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   toys don’t come cheap.
2 – I may have borrowed a dildo
ANY (If you pick 2, you can pick ANY at the second prompt. If 1, proceed to next step)
WEEKEND: ANY (Studying or tutoring preferred.)
2 – Study for the love of Christ
1 – Can you guys handle this?
2 – You know who loves to get up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
2 – Tell her no, you want to keep your schedule open.
1 – Alright give me a minute to get ready
WEEKEND: ANY (Hang out with Penny preferred as she will be annoyed that you did not pick up Phil from airport)
1 – I’ll take a look
1 – I was gonna go anyway
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutor for cash preferred as you will have only $40 depending on whether or not you hung out with your roommates last weekend)
1 – Oh why not
1 or 2
3 – Look, he’s kind of a goofball but he has a big heart
2 – Listen
1 – Jack off
1 – Alright Ian
WEEKEND: ANY (Hanging out preferred)
(Path diverges here: Picking 1 – Maybe a bit, 1 – Why don’t you show me, 1 – Hell yes, 2 – Remove briefs will result in a   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   scene with Ian but will cut off his full ending, no matter what choices you make after the scene happens. If you want to continue towards Ian’s full ending, continue along the guide.)
2 – All I was hoping was to meet someone OR 3 – Thanks for the apology
2 – Sounds like you want to tell me about it
ANY but slight divergences
If you pick 1 – Kiss Him, continue with walkthrough
If you pick 2 – Cuddle, you can then pick ANY, then continue with the walkthrough
If you pick 3 – Extricate yourself from his arms, you can then pick ANY, then continue with the walkthrough
If you pick 4 – Send him back to his room, continue with walkthrough
1 – Talk to him
1 – Sure thing
(Note: If you do not run into Zoe at this point, Ian’s path has been closed off. It shouldn’t happen if you follow this walkthrough.)
1 – Call her up
1 – Visit loft
ANY with slight divergences
If you pick 1, you can pick ANY options from the four given. You can then pick 1 or 2 after each option and it doesn’t matter. You can go through all four options if you pick 2 after each option. You can ONLY pick 1 – I have a major thing for you after that to get the full ending.
If you pick 2:
You can pick 1 – Why didn’t you tell me and then 1 or 2 to get the full ending.
OR you can pick 2 – I am so confused and then 1 to get the full ending.
OR you can pick 3 – Well this is awkward and then 1 to get the full ending.
1 or 2
2 – Kick it here
2 – Stay in
2 – Ew
ANY (If 2, pick 1 Check phone and then 1 Tell her it’s a bug, you can then pick ANY but if you pick 1 you will not get a H-scene with Mark, pick 2 to get the scene)
2 – Meh
2 – Beta test another time
1 – NO
2 – No, maybe I have something to do.
WEEKEND: ANY (Studying or tutoring preferred)
2 – Study for the love of Christ
1 – Can you guys handle this?
2 – You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
1 – Accept the job
1 – There must be some mistake
ANY (If 1 move on with walkthrough, if 2, select 2 to get extra money, does not affect Brad’s ending)
At this point you have a choice whether or not to help Brad cheat. If at any point you accept his bribe you will not be able to get his ending but you will be able to get additional H scenes with him.
After accepting the bribe, Beau will confront you downstairs, follow this path to continue on with Brad:
1 – I need to familiarize myself with the material
1 – All right, all right
WEEKEND: 1 – Work on Brad’s essay
1 – Fine, fine, I’ll look at it
1 – Fine, fine
WEEKEND: 1 – Work on Brad’s essay
2 – Pretend to write while sneaking peeks at Brad
1 – Turn up the heater
WEEKEND: 1 – Work on Brad’s assignment
ANY (If you respond with 1 – I’m thinking deep thoughts you can then respond with ANY and continue from here.)
Slight divergences:
You can pick 1, 1 and 2. You will have no H-scene with Brad but you will be up $50
You can pick either:
1, 1, 1
1, 2
2, 1
To get an H-scene with Brad. However after that Beau will confront you and Brad will have to ‘bid you a due’. Brad’s path is closed after this point.
1 – Hey I’m here to help you with your class
3 – I’m so sick of you spoiled athletes
2 – Did you hear anything I said?
2 – No! Stop trying to bribe me.
1 – All right, all right
WEEKEND: ANY (Hang out preferred as Penny will be annoyed with you for not picking up Phil at the airport)
1 – Fine, fine
1 – Accept
3 – Look, you’re already two weeks behind
4 – Oh screw this
1 – Fine, fine
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring preferred)
1 – You’re screwed if you get injured
1 – Move your leg or 2 – Leave your leg there
1 – Of course I’m here to help Brad succeed
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring preferred)
ANY (If you respond with 1 – I’m thinking deep thoughts you can then respond with ANY and continue with walkthrough)
1 – Your ideas are all over the place. You should put your strongest points at the front and end of your essay. You need to start and end with a bang.
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring or hanging out preferred)
ANY (Pick 1 – double click the photo for an extra Brad CG, this will not affect your ending)
ANY (Pick 2 – You know I’m cool with you jerking off here for an H-scene with Brad, this will not affect your ending and you can continue with the guide from here. If you pick 1, you will then have an option to 1 – jerk off or 2 – do nothing. If 1 – jerk off, you can then pick 1 or 2 and then continue with the guide from here. If 2 – do nothing, you can continue with the guide from here.)
1, 2 or 4 (However, you will get an extra scene with Beau at the end of the game if you pick 1 or 4. There’s some indicator of how much Beau trusts you that will change the endgame sequence slightly.)
ANY (However 2 seems to be the best response, 1 is also acceptable. 3 will not add to Beau’s trust but it doesn’t seem to detract from it)
2 – Wait
1 – Go see him in person
ANY (However 2 seems to be the best response, 1 is also acceptable. 3 will not add to Beau’s trust, unknown if it detracts from it however.)
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring or studying preferred)
1 (You can pick 2 or 3 and still get with Brad but you will not get the full ending.)
1 – Stop talking to Bubbles
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring or hanging out preferred)
1 – Go back to the house
2 – I can help you
ANY with slight divergences
If you pick 1 – we can do something fun, you can then pick 1 – it’s pretty good I guess and then pick 1 – run an option out of the pistol OR you can pick 2 – starting at your own 23
If you pick 2 – you can do whatever you want, you can then pick 1 – it’s pretty good I guess and then pick 1 – run an option out of the pistol OR you can pick 2 – starting at your own 23
If you pick 3 – you can feel a sense of accomplishment, you can then pick 1 – it’s pretty good I guess and then pick 1 – run an option out of the pistol OR you can pick 2 – starting at your own 23. You should then pick 2 – kiss him. You can then pick ANY and still get the full ending with Brad BUT picking 2 – kiss him harder will give you the H-scene as well as the full ending).
ENDING (Beau may or may not reconcile with you depending on your choices with him, this does not affect what happens with Brad however.)
1 or 2
2 – Kick it here
2 – Stay in
2 – Ew
ANY (If 2, pick 1 Check phone and then 1 Tell her it’s a bug, you can then pick ANY but if you pick 1 you will not get a H-scene with Mark, pick 2 to get the scene)
2 – Meh
2 – Beta test another time
1 – NO
2 – No, maybe I have something to do.
WEEKEND: ANY (Studying or tutoring preferred)
2 – One of us should go and see what’s up
1, 4 or 5 (Picking 2 or 3 will work but will bring down your friendship with Ian)
2 – Fine, fine, I’ll go.
Slight divergences:
Being ‘toppy’ with Jed:
1 – Whoa, look I live downstairs
3 – Alright good try
2 – Yes I’m ready to test my hypotheses
1 – I’ve seen a video or two OR 2 – Come on, I know what bukkake is, Wikipedia hello!
3 – If you’re the star you need to be naked kind of like you’re naked right now
2 – Get on your knees.
Being suspicious of Jed, then being submissive:
1 – Whoa, look I live downstairs
3 – Alright good try
2 – Yes I’m ready to test my hypotheses
1 – I’ve seen a video or two OR 2 – Come on, I know what bukkake is, Wikipedia hello!
2 – Well um technically the star needs to be naked; followed by 2 – Show him by stripping off your clothes OR 4 – Well if you’re the star you need to take off your clothes, like this
Lying to Jed, then being submissive:
2 – Huh? Oh riiiight, that’s me, Cumslut97!
1 – Sure we can make this a two man   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   .
2 – Get naked.
2 – Kneel
Whatever path you take doesn’t affect the endgame with Jed. You don’t HAVE to accept the invitation to do the H-scene in order to get his ending (there are ways to navigate this conversation without getting the H-scene and still get invited to come back on Tuesday nights) but seriously, why wouldn’t you? ;) As long as you get invited to come back you’re good.
2 – You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
2 – Tell her no.
1 – Alright, alright.
WEEKEND: ANY (Hang out with Penny preferred as she will be annoyed that you did not pick up Phil from airport)
1 – I’ll take a look
2 – To hell with it, go upstairs.
1 – Fine, fine, I was gonna go anyway
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring is helpful as you will only have $40 depending on whether or not you hung out with friends last weekend, however studying is beneficial as you missed out due to your session with Jed, Penny may still be annoyed at you so hanging out is also an option)
1 – Head over to Jed’s
WEEKEND: ANY (You may not have enough money for hanging out depending on whether or not you tutored last weekend, Penny may still be annoyed at you however. Tutoring or hanging out preferred if you studied last weekend, otherwise study.)
1 – Sure I’d like that
ANY (1 will give you extra dialogue with Jed however)
2 – You’re right, just keep going
WEEKEND: ANY (Hanging out preferred as it costs nothing and Penny may still be annoyed, depending)
Slight divergences:
You can pick ANY for the first prompt. Then 1 or 3 at the second prompt.
If you pick 3 for the first prompt and then 1 or 3 at the second prompt you will get an extra scene with Ian after Jed leaves. You can pick either 1 or 2 with Ian. Either one results in a slight drop of friendship with Ian (but it’s another fun little Ian-being-jealous sequence).
1 – Remove your clothes
1 or 2
ANY (2 preferred, unknown if not picking 2 affects ending or not)
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring or hanging out preferred)
4 – I really think you ought to go yourself.
2 – Fine
1 – Stop talking to your fish
1 – I know he may seem a little nuts
3 – I’m starting to feel a little used
2 – I’ll pick you up
ANY (If you pick 1 or 2 there will be an additional interaction with Jed; does not affect ending)
2 – I’ll see what I can do to help
1 – 7th Day Adventist
1 – Attend church
2 – The Stooges
3 – You gotta do whatever makes this worth it to you
1 – Go to the band meeting
1 – We’ve got some real pressing issues here
Slight divergences:
Being submissive with Jed:
1 – Give him a pep talk
1 – Enter a stall
Being ‘toppy’ with Jed:
2 – Kiss him
Either way you have an H-scene with Jed, only difference is whether you’re topping or bottoming. Alternatively you can pick 1 – Give him a pep talk and then 2 – I don’t think I’m up for this, but you will not get Jed’s full ending if you do this. You HAVE to engage in this H-scene with Jed to get his full ending whereas the other two are optional. (But seriously why would you not do those other two? :D)
1 or 2
1 – Alright you drive
1 – Whiskey preferred (You can pick any or insist Penny get you milk, unknown whether this has an effect)
2 – Be fascinated by the ketchup bottle
1 – Sure I’ll have another one of these preferred (You can pick 2 and Alex will still hit on you, unknown whether this has an effect)
ANY 1 or 2 preferred
ANY 1 – Mark preferred but unknown if not picking to be honest has an effect, Alex will still figure out your real name later, picking 2 – Philbert gets some additional dialogue at this point and later
1 – Sure or 3 – O-o-okay
1 – Somebody hit on me
2 – Ew
ANY (If 2, pick 1 Check phone and then 1 Tell her it’s a bug, you can then pick ANY but if you pick 1 you will not get a H-scene with Mark, pick 2 to get the scene)
ANY (If 1 you get extra dialogue with Ian, you can pick ANY after but picking 2 – Do me a favor Ian, stop talking decreases friendship with Ian)
1 – HELLLOOO Professor
2 – You know it’ll be tough but I’ll manage.
2 – Beta test another time
1 – Tell Penny
1 – NO
2 – No
WEEKEND: ANY (Study or hanging out preferred)
2 – Study for the love of Christ
1 – Can you guys handle this?
2 – You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
2 – Tell her no.
ANY (1 – Your mom may result in friendship drop with Ian)
1 – Alright, alright
ANY (1 – A couple of laps gets some additional dialogue from Alex but doesn’t affect his path)
1 – Sure, why not? or 4 – W-what are you doing here? followed by 1 – Sure (1 – Sure, why not preferable but unknown if it affects Alex’s path)
2 – Are you kidding? Game on, crush him!
WEEKEND: ANY (Studying preferred, unknown if being good at school has an effect on Alex’s path.)
1 – Fine, fine I’ll take a look
1 – Fine, fine I was gonna go anyways (If you’ve followed the walkthrough and told Penny about Alex, etc, Ian will know about Alex and confront you. You can pick ANY to respond to him but picking 2 – You don’t have to babysit me will result in friendship drop with Ian.)
2 – Maybe see if anyone’s up for a game of racquetball
1 – I suppose, 2 – Bring it, gramps or 3 – Uh, okay (1 is the best response followed by 2 and then 3)
2 – Give him the answer
Type in: contusion
WEEKEND: ANY (Studying preferred, may have an effect on relationship with Alex, alternatively you can hang out to increase friendship with Ian and Penny)
2 – But I thought we had more going on
1 – Explain what’s been happening between you and Alex
1 – Yes, find out what’s going on Penny
WEEKEND: ANY (Studying preferred, may have an effect on relationship with Alex, alternatively you can hang out to increased friendship with Ian and Penny)
ANY (3 – Nothing’s going to come out of this preferred)
1 – Fine, give me a second here
WEEKEND: ANY (Hang out with Penny preferred as it costs nothing and depending on how much you’ve been hanging out she may be annoyed with you still)
1 – Screw that
2 – What’s going on?
2 – You can’t do this!
Slight divergences:
Choosing 1 – Yeah good idea: You will leave Alex’s office, does not affect his path.
Choosing 2 – Yeah maybe we should stop talking altogether:
Choosing 1 – Keep going gives you multiple options for H-scenes with Alex, you can only pick one of them to see however if you do the H-scenes with Alex you will not be able to get his full ending.
Choosing 2 – Stop will have you leave Alex’s office and does not affect his path.
1 – So drop the investigation
WEEKEND: ANY (Hanging out preferred)
2 – I need to talk to you about what happened
1 – It’s fine, forget it
1 – Stop talking
2 – Yes, you need closure
2 – I wanted to help you
2 – But you’re not my professor anymore *grin*
1 or 2
2 – Kick it here
2 – Stay in
2 – Ew
ANY (If 2, pick 1 Check phone and then 1 Tell her it’s a bug, you can then pick ANY but if you pick 1 you will not get a H-scene with Mark, pick 2 to get the scene)
2 – Meh
2 – Beta test another time
2 – Okay, okay, OKAY!
2 – No
WEEKEND: ANY (Studying preferred)
2 – Study for the love of Christ
1 – Can you guys handle this?
1 – God, FINE!
1 – You and Penny are pretty close, huh? (1 preferred but 3 – Tell me more about the Marine Corps works if you follow it up with 1 – Semper fidelis)
2 – Tell her no
1 – Alright, alright
ANY (1 – Pool preferred? May have effect on later cut scene with Phil)
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring or hanging out preferred)
1 – Fine, fine I’ll take a look at it
1 – Alright I’ll go OR 2 – Sure sounds interesting
1 – Like what?
1 – Keep the hat on for now
2 – The emperor is rich but he cannot buy one extra year preferred, but ANY work
1 – Fine, fine, I was gonna go anyway
ANY (1 – Pool preferred? May have effect on later cut scene with Phil)
WEEKEND: ANY (Hanging out or tutoring preferred)
1 – You know what? Count me in.
1 – Hey, take a deep breath
1 – Violet, Phil’s trying to keep you out of trouble
2 – Maybe I just think you’re cute
1 – You’re on
WEEKEND: ANY (Hanging out or tutoring preferred)
1 – Sounds fun, I’ll be there
2 – No, just no
2 – Take slow, methodical breaths
2 – Lift your head just high enough
WEEKEND: ANY (Tutoring preferred)
1 – Sure, sounds awesome
1 – Not at all, please continue OR 3 – Let Phil handle this
1 – Phil, you’ve got more important things
Slight divergences:
1 – Kiss Him:
1 – Sure, I’m glad for that, does not affect Phil’s path, but there is no H-scene
2 – Offer a blowjob followed by 2 – It’ll help blow off some steam will give you a H-scene with Phil, but you will not be able to get his full ending
2 – Be sympathetic:
Phil will take you home, does not affect his path
WEEKEND: (Tutoring or hanging out preferred)
1 – Stop talking
1 – If that’s the only way I can see you OR 2 – I dunno, am I insane? (1 is preferred)
2 – In all honesty
1 – Hell yeah, let’s do this!
You need to win the trivia contest in order to continue Phil’s path. Utilize Google-fu or the game’s go back (Page Up or roll up on mouse wheel) to get all the right answers.
1 – But was it hotter
Slight divergences:
1 – Grind your ass against his dick: Mark will bottom for Phil, Ian interrupts but doesn’t see what’s going on
2 – Flip over and wrestle for top: Phil will bottom for Mark, Ian interrupts and sees what’s going on.
Either way does not affect Phil’s path overall.
WEEKEND: ANY (Hanging out preferred if you already have $800 for Ian’s trip, which is possible if you tutored a few times since you got $150 for winning the trivia contest)
1 – I’d love to (preferred) OR 2 – Can’t we do something else followed by 1 – Okay, I’ll be there works as well
1 – You’re asking me to hide the fact that Phil and I are going out?
1 – Don’t, Phil


可爱毛毛虫 该用户已被删除
发表于 2014-12-30 17:55:41


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