本帖最后由 yellowjacket 于 2014-12-31 18:19 编辑 [j]YGWE1 RR1JB1[/j][j]YGWE1 RR1JB8[/j]
剧透更新www.otomedream.com#0?, [ F. ]7 w6 U( n O, `,光头作者对于恋爱部分的采访(我要哭了[j]YGWE1 RR1J9T[/j]
The romance WAS a later addition. The romance was meant to make EVERYTHING SADDER??? I HATE YOU PATRICK. [j]YGWE1 RR1JAF[/j]You get to see that he DOES care about you. It's obvious, I hope, that his feelings for you are not fake, and he cares about you deeply, and he is one step from telling you the truth about himself. And GDL, his voice is just amazing, and he did a fantastic job on the delivery. There's one key moment where he says you deserve the truth, and he just breaks a tiny bit on that line, that's the part where he almost tells you. Then he twists it into telling you about the vallaslin instead. [j]YGWE1 RR1JBA[/j]
He chickens out on it, because in that moment, and he's about to tell you, pulls back at the last moment, tells you about the vallaslin instead, goes in on the kiss and is just so ready to just lose himself and just forget about the past. And then he has to push back. The part where he steps back and his face changes because he knows he has to break it off right there or he's going to have betrayed himself - I just love that. And it is so sad, and it has broken the hearts of many players, and it broke my heart when I wrote it. [j]YGWE1 RR1JAV[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1JAL[/j]光头差一点就要告诉Lavellan ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 了www.otomedream.com#0?( P) q6 O& @) m3 A5 x!差一点就放弃一切跟她在一起了www.otomedream.com#0?* W2 I e) d) E4 S( ] d!{:tuan_zi07:} [j]YGWE1 RR1JB2[/j]那个时候如果他不分手大概就永远没办法分了www.otomedream.com#0?9 z2 x; k [# _7 s! Y; t/ n8 y* N, `6 n!yct24[j]YGWE1 RR1JA6[/j]
嘤嘤嘤光头为什么不说出 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** ……判官有主角光环啊死不掉的啊yct56 [j]YGWE1 RR1JAE[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1JB1[/j][j]YGWE1 RR1J9T[/j]
http://www.nerdappropriate.com/2014/12/31/rated-na-184-inside-inquisition-with-patrick-weekes/ [j]YGWE1 RR1JA5[/j]采访的地址www.otomedream.com#0?/ c; ~4 k4 \8 E4 U A3 D H0 y,solas恋爱部分大概在50分钟后 [j]YGWE1 RR1JB0[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1JBB[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1JAY[/j][j]YGWE1 RR1J9W[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1JAY[/j]
yellowjacket 发表于 2015-1-1 05:40 [j]YGWE1 RR1JA3[/j]剧透更新www.otomedream.com#0?- a* _( N/ J, { ]- H,光头作者对于恋爱部分的采访(我要哭了 [j]YGWE1 RR1JA7[/j]The romance WAS a later addition. The romance was me ...
[j]YGWE1 RR1JB4[/j]
啊新药来了www.otomedream.com#0?# {- F b& y* G/ d8 `!谢谢GN新年快乐www.otomedream.com#0?7 L. ?% T6 |9 u8 `9 C!看到meant to make everything SADDER的我眼泪掉下来 我觉得这差不多是说BE没跑了吧 看编剧君这又是爱Solas两难的状态又继续一边写得心碎的尿(xing) 我觉得我应该开始大规模囤药了{:tuan_zi07:}... [j]YGWE1 RR1JB5[/j]啊啊我第一次看到那个cg里solas说什么我不能给你除了真实之外更好的blabla之类哪里就觉得好奇怪啊 铺垫那么多你就给我说个纹身我还以为是什么惊天大秘密 果然www.otomedream.com#0? N; r l4 D5 q!www.otomedream.com#0?, ]5 V R/ z6 e1 j!编剧菌你真的是补得一手好刀www.otomedream.com#0?5 M J) ^3 ?/ ^7 [% t; |4 M!www.otomedream.com#0?& N0 Y$ H, |0 ~! x. Z# o& M& [! [j]YGWE1 RR1JAD[/j]有个选项好像判官会说tell me u dont care 然后solas好虐地说i cant do that 结合这篇想想真是虐疯 [j]YGWE1 RR1JAM[/j]solas怎么就这么想不开啊 判官菌什么法师甜不辣灰卫奥莱三人组都能原谅她干嘛跟你过不去啊www.otomedream.com#0?( l! O. N; q: G. a i! [j]YGWE1 RR1J9S[/j]别说就是给个球还玩崩了 我觉得他再整些捞什子出来都仍然在我接受范围内啊www.otomedream.com#0?1 }3 F% T( _4 h0 t! [j]YGWE1 RR1JA6[/j]还有说他害怕孤独没有任何同类 反正当年他也把那帮精灵神关起来了还不是只剩一群普通精灵www.otomedream.com#0?6 Y c. |3 q8 p R0 A! [j]YGWE1 RR1JB3[/j]精灵已经今非昔比的话 那么solas求你看看判官啊 She is real QAQ[j]YGWE1 RR1JAR[/j]
如果彩蛋里solas口中的my people需要他拯救赎罪什么什么的 咱们能不能不要只有恢复过去啊www.otomedream.com#0?5 @1 I: ~0 J& F B. O6 A!判官祭出判庭帮您好不好啊www.otomedream.com#0?8 P- B2 R; Q0 i8 S0 t8 { \!www.otomedream.com#0?/ r9 W |$ g# o5 o& Y# p, i y! [j]YGWE1 RR1JA7[/j][j]YGWE1 RR1JA3[/j]
总而言之solas你快想开收回那张好人卡和判官在一起吧我是真的受伤了www.otomedream.com#0?2 n/ I) q& d6 j3 A1 u! [j]YGWE1 RR1JAC[/j]虽然看编剧君的尿(xing)我觉得是be了 [j]YGWE1 RR1JAW[/j][j]YGWE1 RR1JAU[/j]
以上咆哮纯属丧病 www.otomedream.com#0?7 U, ^. ?1 ~ f。www.otomedream.com#0?. V8 D q% R* \5 v. i6 t; h+ K+ j。没有玩过前两作我也不了解solas是否还有别的路可走 [j]YGWE1 RR1JA3[/j]但是我觉得精灵判官也是很在乎dalish的状况的 让我继续自欺吧明明说好了囤药的我真是抖M [j]YGWE1 RR1JB3[/j][j]YGWE1 RR1JA1[/j]
btw真羡慕炼就了考爷 ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード*** 的楼主我觉得这不是凡人所能轻易做到的(www.otomedream.com#0?: I- i n( v! H$ w# ^! y。[j]YGWE1 RR1JAB[/j]
楼上GN我们一起弃疗吧{:tuan_zi08:} [j]YGWE1 RR1JBE[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1J9S[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1JB0[/j] [j]YGWE1 RR1JB3[/j][j]YGWE1 RR1JAF[/j]